Kings Harbor MOPS

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry is a special program designed for your children. We look forward to providing a safe environment for your child to learn about God and His world and to make new friends.
Children's Ministry includes: (depending on the age group) music, crafts/artwork, facilitated play at learning centers, recreation, a small snack, storybook time and bible learning.
Check In Time: The Children’s Ministry Classrooms open at 9:20am. Please sign your child in at his/her room and provide any information needed for that day. Your child will be given a nametag. (Please keep your children in their assigned classroom unless approved by the CM Coordinator).
Check Out Time: Our CM Teachers appreciate your consideration when picking up your children. Please pick them up immediately after the MOPS Meeting no later than 11:30am.
Labeling: Please label your child’s blankets, bottles, cups, etc. Please do not bring toys from home.
Snacks: CM provides a small snack during each meeting. You can bring a snack for you child provided that he/she can eat it by himself/herself. Please bring a snack if your child has a special diet. Indicate this on the sign-in sheet and inform the teacher. Please avoid bringing peanut products.
Guidelines for Parent/Child Separation: Our goal is to create an atmosphere where your child feels happy and secure. Sometimes it is hard to leave Mom, so to help your child with this time, here are a few suggestions: Please use the Check-In windows at each classroom and refrain from entering the room. (this may cause other children to miss their mommy). Make your “good-byes” short. Long good-byes can be hard for your child. If you think your child will have tears, take him/her to one of the teachers for extra attention while you leave. Please don’t leave without saying “good-bye”. Disappearing can create panic. We will not allow your child to cry longer than 15 minutes. We will get you if necessary.
Questions or Concerns: Contact the CM Director if you have any questions or concerns about the CM program.

Infants: Your baby may stay in the MOPS meeting with you until he/she is 4 months old. Exceptions will be granted by the MOPS Coordinator.
Mom Rotation: We will continue our “partner” approach of volunteering alongside the Children’s Ministry Staff. This approach will eliminate the MOPS waiting list, keep our costs down and help you get to know your child’s friends in CM. Each MOPS mom is required to serve in a Children’s Ministry classroom twice a year.
Illness: We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring a healthy environment. Please do not bring your child if he/she has:
a Cold or symptoms of a Cold (green/yellow or profuse runny nose, cough, sneezing, sore throat)
A fever (or has had one in the past 24 hrs)
Flu symptoms (stomachache, headache, diarrhea, or vomiting currently or in the past 24 hrs).

Our teachers may refuse a child if he/she appears ill.
Please inform the teacher if a child has a clear runny nose or cough due to a chronic condition (allergies, asthma, etc) or has been on antibiotics for two or more days. These children may be admitted to class.

If you would like to volunteer to serve the children in CM, please contact Team Lisa at
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14


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