Kings Harbor MOPS

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Congratulations & Merry Christmas!

Hello MOPS Moms! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. This year my family and I were extra thankful for we were blessed with a new little addition to our family. Caleb decided to join us three weeks early on Thursday, November 18th. My husband Chris and I want to thank you for all your prayers at MOPS that morning and you must have been praying hard because about 20 minutes after your meeting started, they wheeled Caleb into my room for the first time, with completely clear lungs. We were in the hospital until Sunday evening and have been relaxing at home since. As I sit here with my husband, daughter, and new little son, I am very thankful for all the blessings God has bestowed on us and I am reminded each and every day how truly awesome God is. As we embark on this Holiday season let us remember what is really important and what this time of year is all about. The newsletter this month has a wonderful article on the true meaning of Christmas and reminds us that Jesus is the reason for the season! So let us embark on this holiday season with the reminder of why we celebrate this time of year. I want to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Have fun at Spa Day!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fall Crafts

Hello MOPS Moms! We have just e-mailed our October Newsletter with some helpful information for you! If you would like to see it again, check back daily for updates. Today we will be showing you those fabulous fall crafts again!!

Table Garland

Turn an ordinary white tablecloth into a fall sensation. Center the table-cloth on your table. Just below the top edge of the table, hot-glue or pin gros-grain ribbon onto the tablecloth. From fall-color cardstock and decorative pa-per, cut out various leaf shapes and glue them in clusters to the ribbon. Glue just the centers of the leaves so the edges curl up naturally.

Initial Greeting

Swap your traditional round wreath for a leafy mono-gram. Paint a paper-mache letter and let dry. Hot-glue dried or silk leaves to the front. Shape a piece of wire into a hanging loop, and glue it to the back of the letter.

Autumn Candles

Garnish plain pillar candles with leaves for an ele-gant yet under-stated display. De-termine the place-ment of leaves on each candle, then decoupage them into place. If nec-essary, use tacky white crafts glue to hold the stems down. Cover the candles and leaves with one or more coats of decoupage medium.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

TuTu Craze

Craft Corner-Tutu Craze


-Two rolls of 6 inch wide tulle (usually found in the wedding aisle)

-A roll of 1 inch thick elastic

-Scissors and a ruler

-A needle and thread to sew the elastic together


Measure the waist of the lucky little girl you are making it for.

Subtract 3 inches from that number and cut your elastic accordingly.

Sew the elastic together. If you have a sewing machine, a zig zag stitch will work great, if not you can always sew it the old fashioned way.

Set your newly fashioned waistband aside and break out the tulle.

Figure out how long you want your tutu to be. I wanted mine to be 8 inches long. Double that number and add one (mine ended up being 17 inches). Cut a big stack of strips that length.

Now grab your waistband and we’ll start trying tulle onto it. You’ll fold your first piece in half over the waistband and tie a double knot on the bottom. Now the measurement should make sense: double because you will fold it in half and an extra inch for the knot.

Continue tying the strips of tulle onto your waistband until you have reached desired thickness. You can always cut more tulle if needed.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Congratulations Kelli Bargar and family who welcomed a new baby girl!

Ryleigh Rae was born on August 19th and weighed in at 7 pounds 14 oz. and is 19.5 inches long.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fall 2010 Registration Link

Hey MOPS Moms! It is time to register for Fall 2010 MOPS! I hope you are all as excited as I am for the first meeting on September 23rd. make sure you register soon to get your kids in children's ministry!

Here is the registration link:

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fall 2010 Registration Information

Hello MOMS Moms! It is almost that time to start registering for the upcoming Fall 2010 MOPS! Before you can register you need to make sure you have an account on the Kings Harbor Site. Here's how:

• Go to

• Click KHC Online

• Click Create Account

• Fill out the required information

• Wait about 24 hours and you will be able to access your account

Make sure you have this completed before August 1st as it does take 24 hours for your account to be active.
You will be recieving an e-mail soon with the link to register for Fall 2010 MOPS!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

June's MNO Date Changed

The June Mom's Night Out has been changed to Thursday, July 29th. The place and time are still the same. More details will follow via e-mail.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

2010-2011 Dates are Here!

2010-2011 MOPS Meeting Dates

Fall Session

Spring Session

2010-2011 Theme

In 2010, MOPS invites you to join in the learning process as together w eexplore Momology: The Art and Science of Mothering.

Mothering is both art and science. It combines all of who we are to shape healthy, resilient kids. Mothering is so complex it requires both sides of our brain - not to mention our hands and feet, eyes and ears, mouth and (sniff, sniff) unfortunately, sometimes even our noses!

There's the scientific side of mothering where we develop a hypothesis based on certain principles, test that hypothesis in real-time, consider the results and decide what parts worked and what parts didn't. We keep refining our hypothesis until we find what works for us.

Intertwined with the scientific, mothering requires an artistry that shades with our personality, colors with our unique gifts, and blends past and current experiences. MOPS International has identified four essential elements for successful outcomes with our kids.

Core is about knowing and growing ourselves. Understanding and working with our unique tempermant, experiences, and emotions in a way that develops resilience. Reserach clearly shows that a mom with a strong, resilient core is more likely to raise a child with a strong, resilient core.

Finesse is about honing practical mothering skilss - intentionally carrying out our daily responsibilities in ways that encourage growth and resilience in our kids.

Circle is about building relationships with neighbors, care-givers, extended family, and most importantly, with our husbands or for single moms, with a parenting partner.

Grandsape is about engaging with God and his unique purpose for our lives. Both secular and Christian research identifies faith in God as an essential element for successful mothering.

Through Momology, as we explore together, we'll be guided by an all-knowing, all-powerful, always-present God. Our theme verse for the year is:

For more info, visit